Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Getting Started Again

Perhaps it's time to start up the blog again, now that we're anxiously awaiting adding a member to our family! While this originated as a travel blog, now it can simply be a family adventures blog as we launch into the world of parenting.

As of today, we're 13 days from our baby girl's due date. The doctor says she's "in position" and ready, so we're just waiting for labor to begin! Everything at home is pretty much ready - Elizabeth and Baby's bags are packed, there are fresh sheets in the crib and bassinet, her clothes are all washed and hanging in the closet, there are hundreds of diapers waiting to be used, etc. Steven and I still have some loose ends to tie up at work, but that's really all that's still up in the air.

And, of course, my mom is hoping the baby won't come until after she arrives next week. :)

We can't wait to post new photos of our little one! Hopefully soon!